• If you have worries about an addiction problem...

    Take a test now Go→

    Understand the nature of addiction Go→

  • If you are a practitioner...

    Lifelong learning  Go→

    What makes an effective practitioner  Go→

    Structured interventions  Go→

    Supervision assessments  Go→

  • If you are a researcher...

    Types of outcome measure  Go→

    How to evaluate the properties of a scale Go→

    Check out the gold standard of outcome measurement  Go→

  • If you are a student...

    Learn about the key concepts of addiction  Go→

    Check out working in a motivational style  Go→

    Lifelong learning  Go→

  • If you want to help someone...

    See the importance of being a trusted person  Go→

    What does recovery involve  Go→

    Understand why drugs are addictive  Go→

Pages to do with addiction and treatment are colour coded GREEN

Pages to do with tests and outcome measures are colour coded BLUE

Pages to do with helping people are colour coded PURPLE